const pgp = require('pg-promise')({ /* initialization options */ capSQL: true// capitalize all generated SQL }); const db = pgp(/*connection*/);
// our set of columns, to be created only once, and then shared/reused, // to let it cache up its formatting templates for high performance: const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['col_a', 'col_b'], {table: 'tmp'});
用 gitlab ci 也是一段時間,如果只是要進行一些簡單 test or deploy 之類的工作,用這個會比其他外部工具平台簡單一點,但是在版本不斷推進的同時會遇到了底下的問題
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Running with gitlab-runner 10.5.0 (xxxxxxxx) on ssh-xxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxxx) Using SSH executor... Running on xxxxxxxxxx via xxxxxxxxxx... ERROR: Job failed: Process exited with: 1. Reason was: ()
Google 查一下找到下面這篇說明 Changed in Percona Server 5.7 innodb_buffer_pool_populate server option and numa_interleave option have been replaced by innodb_numa_interleave server option. Note that flush_caches option still remains.
於是乎把 innodb_buffer_pool_populate 取代成 innodb_numa_interleave 重啟 mysql 就成功啟動了,謝天謝地。
SecRule IP:SLOW_DOS_COUNTER "@gt 5""phase:1,t:none,log,drop, msg:'Client Connection Dropped due to high number of slow DoS alerts', id:'1234123457'" </IfModule>